Kila, the Magic Husky's Ham Radio College

featuring Kila and her Trusty Sidekick, Ben

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(Click here to see more pictures of her)

Episode 5 -- aired on March 14, 2016 -- Schematic Diagrams and Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors and more about Alternating Current

Listen to the episode 53.7 MB MP3

  • Reading Electronic Schematics
  • What's up with Sine waves?
  • Inductors and Capacitors (7 questions)
  • Tantalum Capacitors and the mining of Conflict Minerals

    Kila and her sidekick
    If I've made any mistakes, please Call me or email Kila or you can call us directly at (707) 413-6435.
    Here is my main website.