KPFZ coverage of the northern California Fires

October 9-11, 2017

poorly recorded by Ben

In the table below, To download a recording to a Macintosh, control-click or right-click on one of the links below, and choose "Download Linked File...". To download a recording to a PC running Windows, right-click on one of the links below and choose "Save Target as...".

1Excerpts from morning shows
26 hours, beginning around 10am on Monday
36 hours, beginning around 4pm on Monday
46 hours, beginning around 10pm on Monday
56 hours, beginning around 4am on Tuesday
66 hours, beginning around 10am on Tuesday
76 hours, beginning around 4pm on Tuesday
86 hours, beginning around 10pm on Tuesday
943 more minutes, beginning around 4am on Wednesday

Recorded by Ben. I can be reached here or emailed or you can call us directly at (505) 259-5683.
Here is my main website.